Birth of Life

SOOOO.. here it is.. my WONDERFUL gal pal, invited me to experience and capture the birth of her first child. We were in each other's weddings, have shared many fun times together, but I think this topped it all! being a mother myself I thought one birth is the same as the other.. but LET ME TELL YOU, watching it and being on the "birthing" end of it are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES! It was amazing and beautiful, and I hope this video captured it (and yes, she gave me permission to post it- don't' worry, you don't see anything you wouldn't want to ;-)

I'm Excited to endeavor into this field in my business to capture more and more births!


Terri Lynn said...

Great capture of the emotion of childbirth Kat. Beautiful!

gmaleta said...

What a wonderful tribute to a new life - God's little miracle! Oh, Kat, you did a wonderful job. God Bless this precious family - and you, of course :) Aleta

Anonymous said...

So Beautiful. I couldn't help but cry. Just amazing :-)

Amy A